Thursday, August 4, 2011

Some Highlights

I'm going to start by posting some highlights from my current merchandise selection at the VMFA. 

The above picture is made up of pieces evoking a modern Asian tableau.  There is a mix of product from Asian importers, artists as well as pieces from commonly used gift store sources at a wide range of prices.  I like how well these pieces reflect our Asian art collection while at the same time provide a range of product for any home and budget.  These pieces work together to tell the story we want it to tell, but could say something completely different in your home. 

The companies represented here could not be more different.  The horse and two green vases (top table, right and middle table, center) are gift shop institution, Two's Company.  The pale, swirling vase on the top pedestal is from Brooklyn duo KleinReid, famous for their work with mid-century design master Eva Zeisel, as well as their own take on that era. The tall gray and white vase at the back of the top table and the small bowls placed up front are by the brilliant Chinese porcelain house Middle Kingdom.  Headquartered in Washington DC with a porcelain studio in China, Bo and Alison Jia use traditional Chinese porcelain techniques to create truly modern, affordable pieces.  The green top-handled piece (middle table, right) is a Tibetan lidded basket I found from an import company at the NY Gift Show.  The ironware pieces, a vase on the middle table far left, and a upright koi fish sculpture are from the terrific Asian import house Tampopo.  If you are ever in San Francisco check out their retail store Dandelion, it is a true gem.  The Buddha head and cream floral vase are from museum store fixtures TIC and Cyan respectively.

What I like about this table, and my store in general, is that it expresses one of the VMFA's  important cultural collections in a fresh, modern way.  It also shows that you can incorporate vendors that may be stocked in many other stores across the country as long as you choose pieces that tell your story and merchandise them with unique pieces to create a look that is truly yours.  It is easy to buy the story that a catalog or showroom is selling but what will set you apart from the crowd is to create your own story, piece by piece.  I assure you, your visitors will notice.

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